BrightDog Academy – The First And Only Compassion Based Dog Training Program That Truly SOLVES The CORE Issues!
Ready to build your dog’s self-esteem AND obedience at the same time? Let’s get started.
The Official BrightDog Academy Ebook

Work With Alex
Professional dog trainer Alex Antoniazzi, ABCDT has been training dogs (and their owners of course) for 16+ years. With out ever using harsh corrections or aggressive compliance based training techniques, he’s been able to help thousands of dogs. Now no matter where you live in the world, Alex can PERSONALLY help you.

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The BrightDog Academy YouTube channel is an ever growing library of over 150 dog training videos that cover everything from behavior modification to obedience training and you can access all of it 100% free any time you want.

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Dear Dog Owner,
“Dogs react physiologically to stress and fear the same way people do. With aggression.”
–International studies of animal behavioral response
Aggressive compliance based training techniques are ripping apart two legged and four-legged family members all across the country.
There’s a better way!
I’m here to show you a new school of thought based on the same care based methods we humans use to train our own offspring to be their very best (dogs are not so different from us, as you will learn).
YES, it IS possible to
• Get unruly, even downright mean dogs to settle down with a soft touch and a gentle smile – WHEN you use the right techniques
• Train without training. Instead, becoming the loving partner and guide that your dog wants you to be in order to build a bond and connection with you as if you were mother or father, brother or sister.
Science proves the lessons you’ve been taught are WRONG.
My methods are veterinarian approved!
Build self-esteem and obedience together.
Hi, my name is Alex Antoniazzi. Many years ago I graduated from the Animal Behavioral College, a specialist training school in sunny Northridge, California.
What I learned during my years at ABC fundamentally shifted my perspective on how we SHOULD be treating animals that are just NOT being done.
The current culture is to blame. Fortunately with better training tools, this can be changed.
You see, there’s this human tendency to think of dogs as less. Because they’re “just animals” right? Not as smart at us? Not as tall as us?
I know you and I don’t believe that! We love our animals.
But unfortunately this is the common wisdom, and it reflects in the compliance base training methods that we’ve spent the last 100 years diligently removing from our own educational system.
As top performer during my time at the Animal Behavioral College, my deep love of dogs made it easy for me to spend the majority of my waking hours studying these amazing creatures.
Over the course of 16 years I’ve developed a deep understanding of dogs not only at the behavioral level – as most trainers understand them – but also psychologically: how they think, feel, and indeed develop connections and sense of love towards humans.
This understanding has helped shape my approach into one of compassion and care. The thousands of dogs I’ve worked with have responded in kind. You can see it in their eyes, as they stare lovingly at their owners.
And although they can’t say “thank you for making me the very best I can be” their steadfast loyalty and unwavering obedience tells the story on its own…

Make REAL changes with BrightDog Academy.
Dogs are like people and respond similarly. Be aggressive to them and they’ll show aggression back wherever they can. By now I hope I’ve burned this basic guideline into memory.
I mention this because the core philosophy that you will find in BrightDog Academy – that you will not find in any other dog training program – is one of love. BrightDog Academy uses care, compassion, and love to train. Nothing else.
This training style is meant for people who want their dogs to become loyal, obedient family members.
It’s meant for people who want their dog to feel the highest self-esteem and joy that they can throughout their lives.
It’s meant for people who want to look in their dogs eyes and see pure, innocent love looking back.
A Final Note From Alex
If you take nothing else away from the BrightDog Academy, let it be that starting with a foundation of genuine love for your animal will do more than any trick or tactic from a little black book.
When you have both the foundation AND the fine details in place, big changes start to happen. Your dog stops fearing you and starts listening – even when you’re not in the same room.
Likewise, you as the owner never feel any guilt yourself. You know why? Because you’re not using harsh disciplinary techniques that make your own hair stand up on edge! Harsh training methods cut both ways, and frankly help no one…
BrightDog Academy’s care based training approach is a kinder, gentler, more effective way to train dogs.
That’s why thousands of loving dog owners have turned to BrightDog Academy for the best dog training that money can buy.

Work With Alex!
Professional dog trainer Alex Antoniazzi, ABCDT has been training dogs (and their owners of course) for 16+ years. With out ever using harsh corrections or aggressive compliance based training techniques, he’s been able to help thousands of dogs. Now no matter where you live in the world, Alex can PERSONALLY help you.
The Official BrightDog Academy Ebook
This dog training ebook was written by professional dog trainer Alex Antoniazzi, ABCDT. Inside you will learn the secrets to care based dog training, how getting the PERFECT dog is easier than you may think, and much much more!